Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Process

For me the creative process works form the inside out, not from an attempt to duplicate what is already outside of me – when working from copycat mode, I inevitably catch a bad case of the yawns.
Focusing on the visual aesthetics of a piece distracts me from working with the essence of a particular topic or idea. To me technical study, though valuable, is best left in the classroom. For instance, when drawing a simple line I like to focus/experience the drawing of the line - feeling the line as it expresses, manifest; experience the creation of the line even if it’s a line of frustration or confusion. What does the line feel like inside me when it is manifesting? Not focusing on what the line needs to look like, where it needs to go or what it needs to do visually for the piece. Working from awe and discovery is a heck of a lot more fun, not to mention a lot more interesting.
An artist’s job is not to reproduce the visible, but to explore the possible.
I enjoy studying technique (this has not always been the case) purely as an exploration into a certain discipline. Afterward, I try to just forget it and trust that through the concentrated act of interacting with a particular discipline that it has integrated itself into my awareness and abilities. From there I just have to trust it, and let is express when appropriate to do so.


pure love houses no opposition

Friday, January 9, 2009

Exploring Possibilities

When approaching an idea or opinion about something, sometimes I like to take time to examine for my self how my five (six) senses and the five elements play out/inneract with the particular topic.
If I choose to work with the concept artistically, first I will get a feel for which medium(s) i.e. prose, poetry, visual art, photography, culinary chemistry, dance, vocally... to work with. Then, I focus on my unique interpretation of the sensory information, and how it expresses through my inneraction with the medium(s).
The work can be can be condensed and translated into one creative expression or explored individually by diving into each aspect – revealing a separate idea or topic of it's own to be explored at whatever depth I am willing to go to (and can handle! :).

I appreciate individuals who are willing to go through the process with me - humanity is a wonderful medium.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stadium Libraries and Neighborhood Short Stack Stations

Incorporating a Stadium Library into a sports arena could enhance the public's use of the space as well as create an inviting and profitable atmosphere. Other amenities could offer their services including galleries, museums and cultural event space into the stadium’s environment.

Restaurants now in these facilities are open only during an event, but could be open year round and serve the public in a cultural mall type atmosphere.

A city’s government is responsible for its neighborhood libraries and may be the majority owner in their local stadium(s) or sports arena(s). The stadium within that town which that is built solely for a professional baseball team may be used as little as 40 times a year -- and during that time for only a few hours.  A basketball season is a little longer, but stadiums and arenas are not useful to the public except for those attending occasional sporting events and concerts. 

There is an abundance of untapped potential here, through these facilities, that could be a great asset to their community.

Many of the public libraries in communities all over the country are finding their funding continuing to dwindle and many local governments are closing branches due to economic hardship.

The cost for running the stadium’s library could be part of the sports team(s) contractual responsibility and perhaps offer a tax deduction as a nonprofit contribution to their home field neighborhood.

Another benefit is that there is a large parking lot in relationship to the building. The city could raise money and provide a community service through renting the parking lot out for farmers markets, street fairs and regular events for the public to enjoy.

For the neighborhoods that house a stadium the marriage is ideal - it offers a positive urban renewal opportunity that would bring jobs, educational resources and a core meeting place for the community to gather. All of this would be of great economic benefit to the city’s government as well as providing its citizens a harmonious balance between their cities commerce and the public's cultural welfare.

Moreover, a city could offer a tax break or some other benefit to its private industry for hosting a small library branch (or a Neighborhood Short Stack). These could be located within a lobby of a downtown commercial building or dedicate to a floor or two within a high rise; space within a business park or retail mall -- any leased or rental business property located in a convenient location for the public's use could be utilized.

These businesses could enter into an agreement with the city in regards to hours of operation, parking requirements and other necessary service agreements in exchange for exemptions.

A Neighborhood Short Stack could cater specifically to its local demographic while still being connected to the greater public library as a whole, all the while providing a valuable community space, unique for its area within the city.

Any community could blend their businesses with nonprofits services, and entertainment with cultural resources. The result being, not only success for the partners in regards to economics, but expanding a city's ability to provide greater public service to its community.

Creating Stadium Libraries and
Neighborhood Short Stacks could be a great place for a city to start.