Happy to announce that the students (4th grade 2011 - 2012) at Old Town Academy's Dare to Reuse Contest winners are on display along with the other 9 winners and 15 finalists at the New Children's Museum in San Diego now through the 31st of January.
One of the pieces (my son worked on) is on the show's banner - fun.
I believe all the kids art deserve to be in the show...
The class was invited to attend a breakfast reception and comp tickets to the museum for the whole family. I was out of town and missed it, I hope that they have a great time and are inspired to enter again this year - I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Show Information: http://thinkplaycreate.org/galleries/galleries-daretoreuse.html
Original post: http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=147564564524661010#editor/target=post;postID=7028907144380759953
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